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Happy Birthday Marva!

First and most importantly...Happy birthday to my sweet mother-in-law Marva! I love you! Thank you for being such a wonderful mother-in-law, mother, grandmother and friend. You are a blessing to us.
This morning I made Jude's first batch of baby food! Sweet potatoes!
Yall...he LOVED them. And I pray this child inherited my eating habits and not Brad's food snobbishness. James is a little mini Brad...looks like him, built like him, acts like him and eats like him.
Jude wasted no time gobbling down his sweet potatoes. I feel sure that if he could have, he would have asked for some more please.
Tonight Stan and Marva came over so we could celebrate her birthday. James celebrated the cupcakes.
Hands-free of course.
Totally the product of two type-a's.
He can't stand dirty hands.

Or dusty tables. He loves to dust.  And I love that he loves to dust.
I really took this picture to show my sister how he loves the muff-muffs she sent him. They are big boy moccasins just like Daddy's.

Tonight as Brad and I checked on Jude this is how we found him sleeping.
Now if this had been James I would have had a total heart attack being sure he had suffocated himself. With Jude I laughed and took a picture.

Yep...he's fine.


Very cute post! You know, I would have probably felt the same way if I walked in and saw my 1st born covered up like that with a blanket but you are right, once you have done it once, you know.. they are okay.. Cute post!
Unknown said…
Homemade baby food!! I didn't get that gene, but was so impressed when you made it for James and now for Jude! All I can say is bravo to you for keepin' it healthy for these babies! Jude looks like a pro, eating real-ish food. I miss them so much! Thank you for the pic of James in the oh-so-manly house shoes. He's adorable! I love that apron too...such cute fabrics! My boys love their aprons too. It's good to have helpers in the kitchen, huh?! I love you!!!