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30something years ago my Mom took me to Bible Study Fellowship with her in Memphis, TN.  Me in the blue dress...right below the girlie with the super rad pigtails.  Oh...and right next to the other girl with the even more super rad pigtails and wrap-around bangs.  3 years old.
These pictures are from children's programs where we would sing the songs we learned for the moms.  I wasn't singing but posing for the camera.  Some things never change.  But I don't feel so bad because the girl below me was cheesing it up for her mom too. 4 years old. row...crazy big white bow...still not singing.  But I see some boys down there at the bottom who were totally ticked off and not singing.  I learned early on that in awkward social settings it's best to just smile.  5 years old.
After highschool I started back to BSF with my Mom again.  I think this picture was around 1999-2000...judging from the hairdo and eyebrows.  Pre-flat iron, post introduction to brow waxing.
I was out for a few years and started back today.  It felt like coming home again.  I love BSF.  I am looking forward to taking James and Jude with me next week.  I started BSF when I was 2 and now James will be going with me when he is 2. 

Tonight James thought it would be fun to see how much he could stack on top of Brad's head.  He did pretty good.  He has a really good sport for a Daddy!
Then he helped me feed Jude.
Jude loved the extra attention from his big brother.
