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The Latest

Life is busy with three kids.  Not with anything crazy though.  Just busy.  This post is full of randomness and has no order to it.  Sorry about that.

James and Katy Jane had their 4 year and 4 month well checks today.  That was exciting.  6 shots total and lots of screaming and crying.  Jude got a rare day off from doctors.
Both James and Katy Jane are in the 25th percentile for weight, and James is in the 75th for height, and Katy Jane is in the 50th.

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch after our appointment with Dr. Honey.  We have gone to this same pumpkin patch for 4 years now and the only thing that has changed about the experience is that Brad and I are handling it better.  Here's how it goes: the kid wants a particular pumpkin.  I point out a prettier one.  An argument ensues.  I win.  We make them sit on the hay bales for a picture.  They hate it because its pokey.  Whoever the infant is at the time risks his or her life balancing precariously on the pokey hay.  I beg everyone to smile.  No one does.  We leave all angry and irritated with each other.  But not this time!  No.  Brad and I remembered the previous years, prepared ourselves accordingly with triple espresso lattes, and showed that pumpkin patch who's boss.
We seem to keep adding kids to this picture though.  My sweet little pumpkins.

Brad hung the living room curtains today.  He has become a pro at curtain-hanging.  The before: complete with the previous holes I made hanging the old curtains and the horrific patch job that, again, I DID with hole-filler and paint that doesn't match.  Bad, bad, bad.

And now: all better with properly hung curtains.  
The other day the boys and I were out running errands and kept seeing hot air balloons.  So fun!  I found out later there was a hot air balloon event that night at the discovery center.  I think we saw 12 by our house.  These were our favorites.
I love all of the art projects that James brings home from preschool.  I save all of them which I realize I can't do forever and will probably end up throwing most of them away...but this one is my favorite.  Definitely a keeper.  His teacher took a picture of him at the meet and greet then Thursday he framed it with noodles.  Love.
Saturday we went to Zintha's birthday party.  Katy Jane got dolled up for the event.
She matched her future sister-in-law, the birthday girl.
I don't really know what to say about these pictures but I love them because the boys are so happy and smiley.  They love playing with their Daddy.
Little monkeys!
All my boys.
We have learned that Jude will always do the unexpected.  Like eat peppers.

Yummy! A mouth-full of peppers.
Jamesie's winky face.
