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Give And Take

Yesterday while I was getting ready for church, the boys watched a little tv.  Jude snuggled down right in Jamesies nook.  So sweet.
Kate is enjoying her new mobility in her bouncy swing.  However, in this picture Jude had just sent her flying and she was freaked out.  She better toughen up with two big brothers.
I have no idea why Jude does his pj's like this.  He likes to show off his six pack I guess.
And he LOVES his sissy.
Today we had our Sunday lunch with Mom and Dad.
The boys LOVE when Nana swings them and it was such a beautiful day for swinging.
And Katy Jane got to do a little swinging of her own in her new fancy swing at Nana and Papa's.
And here is some total randomness.  We have weird walls in this house.  When we moved in I made the mistake of trying to hang curtains in all the rooms.  I am not authorized nor capable of such things.  They all fell out of the wall...some only partially...but I didn't hang any of them correctly.  Brad enacted a life-long curtain hanging ban on me.  Good call.

We Brad hung re-hung room-darkening curtains in the boys room right away and now, over two years later, I finally got around to ordering curtains for our room and the living room.  Today Brad hung the ones for our room. 

Here is the before of the old curtains that we brought from our old house that didn't really fit this window...complete with the falling curtain rod (that we lived with for 2 years...trashy), clothes pins closing the gap in the middle (trashier), a basket of laundry, the bouncy seat, and a dirty diaper that didn't make it into the trash can when I hurled it in that direction from the bed.  Lazy (and trashiest).
And here is the after...ceiling to floor brown satin curtains, level and securely hung on a rod that is the correct length.  Love.
And props to Brad for not only hanging the curtains himself but also purchasing the curtain rod without my assistance or input and I actually like it.  Perhaps I will lift some of the bans placed on him in the decorating department of our marriage.  It's all about give and take. 
