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The other day Brad saw a "recipe" for pumpkin seeds.  So he went and got a big pumpkin so we could make some and in the process ended up making a jack-o-lantern with Jamesie.
Ummm...yuk.  James didn't like the pumpkin guts.
There...that's better.
After they got it carved they set it out front with a little candle in it.  James had to light it even though it was in the middle of the day.
My little pumpkin with his pumpkins.
The pumpkin-carvers.
All of that work for just this many pumpkin seeds.  So much easier to go buy a bag of them at the grocery store.
After all of that gooey work James needed a long soak.
Little miss Katy Jane is just as adorable as ever.  I just wish she would grow enough hair so that I could do something with it besides the cupie doll curl.
She doesn't mind it though.

After we dropped James off at school the other day we went to breakfast at our favorite breakfast place.  Jude loves the cinnamon rolls.
Brad decided Jude needed a haircut after breakfast and took him to a NOT mommy approved barber.  The last thing I said was, "Just don't let him buzz it."  
I was not happy.  But it will grow.  And Jude is handsome enough that he can pull it off.

Brad is no longer in charge of haircuts. 
