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Everyone around here is recovering.  Katy's sweet little head is SO much better.  I got her all dolled up for church but she wouldn't even let me think about putting a bow in her hair.  She cried when I even combed it.  Hopefully she will forget the trauma over time.  However, Jude was only 6 months old when he had his first trauma with a therapy dog in the hospital and he still has issues with animals. 
Last night after church we went to dinner and ice cream with Dr. Honey and her girls.  The ice cream place we went to is right next to a tanning salon.  James was curious about what it was and the conversation went like this:
James: What's that place?
Me: A tanning bed place.
James: A what?
Me: A tanning bed place.
James: What's that?
Me: A place people go to get tan.
James: What?
Me: A place people go to get tan.
James: What's tan?
Me: Like Dr. Honey. (Indian) People go there to try to look like Dr. Honey.
James: What?
Me: Like Dr. Honey.  Dr. Honey is tan. People go there to try to look like she does.
James: People go there to get lab coats???
Me: Yes. 

Whatever.  Sometimes I just have to give up.  A little tanning bed/lab coat confusion won't scar him too badly.  Once he got his ice cream he forgot about it anyways.

I read somewhere that women use around 20,000-30,000 words a day.  I don't know (or care) if that is true or accurate.  But I do know this...James tests the limits of that.  He easily uses 200,000 a day mainly in the form of questions which thereby requires me to use about twice that many answering him because a simple yes or no is never enough for him.  He wakes up talking, goes to sleep talking, and even talks in his sleep.  Seriously.  He talks all. day. long.  By the end of the day I am so tired of answering questions and chit-chatting.  I'm grateful he's curious and loquacious, I just wish he could aim a few of those questions in someone else's direction sometimes.  I've tried using the "I don't know.  Ask your dad." thing but he just tells me to go look it up on the computer and stands over me like a tiny little blonde-headed slave driver until I come up with an answer.  So it is easier to just make it up.  For we had about an hour long conversation about Aunt vs Ant. He heard me talking about another person's aunt.  In his mind he was picturing a large human-sized ant.  I tried explaining to him that she was like his Aunt Care Care or Aunt Christi. The conversation then took a weird turn to questions about what ants eat. I'm so grateful he has a very active mind and imagination and a hunger for information.  I pray he always has that.  I will just be glad when he can google stuff for himself.  My brain is tired and not hungry anymore.

He finally asked if he could go run through the Spiderman sprinkler in the back yard.  I turned it on and put ear plugs in.
Love that boy!
Watching her boys run through the sprinkler
Things are pretty quiet on the Judie Bug front.  We will repeat his labs this week.  I expect everything to be fine.  I really do.  I have a peace about it.  I have faith that the Lord healed him and those labs were just wrong.
I am crazy about this sweet boy.  Love him to pieces!


Erin said…
KJ is beautiful without her bow! Reets won't wear bows anymore, so I'm beginning to prefer babies without bows. ;)
Unknown said…
Hahaha!! Love the tanning bed story...hysterical!
In the pic of KJ watching her brothers, she looks so much like you as a baby, with that serious little look. Precious!