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Of course today started off with making another appointment to see Dr. Honey for Judie Bug.  Poor guy.  I've stopped being surprised at the new maladies that Jude develops and am learning to take them in stride.  As much as possible.  Jude is so strong and so tough.  He always impresses me.  He is such a mighty little boy.  Of course I worry, I call the doctor, we thoroughly check things out...more thoroughly perhaps because it's Jude...and then we move on and wait for the next thing.  It will always be something with Jude.  I love him so much.  He certainly is keeping me on my toes...and on my knees.
To whomever created "Fun Dip" aka straight sugar eaten with a sugar stick...thanks a lot.  My kids probably won't come down off their sugar high for a few days.  I thought I had hidden the Fun Dip (don't ask me why I didn't just throw it away) from the Halloween candy but James discovered it. I wouldn't let Jude have any because he's so messy and I was past the point of being able to clean up one more mess but I saw James sneaking him a few licks off of his.  I figured it is a candy rite of passage for kids...along with pixie sticks and cotton candy.
Jude just discovered the inequality in their sugary treats.  He was ticked.
This little precious doesn't need candy...she's sweet enough.


Jen said…
OH my goodness, can she get any cuter??!! I LOVE her! Can't wait for her to meet her LBK BFF!! Maybe Thanksgiving?! And right there with ya on the fun dip...I totally trashed ours! I'm mean like that! :) Hope you are doing well!
Unknown said…
The bloomers!! Love them! She is too darn cute!