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We all know that the week of Thanksgiving (and Christmas) are crazy busy.  Everyone is getting ready for company and cooking.  There is cleaning and shopping that need to be done.  And thanks to a few little extra things that have been unexpectedly added to our calendar in December, I've also been trying to get our Christmas shopping done too.

Monday and Tuesday were just a big blow to my pride, sanity, and overall well-being.  I'm counting on today to be a much better day.  Monday morning I woke up to this mess.  Jude knows it is against the rules to do this...yet it is as if it is a force beyond his control that makes him do it.  And it added one more thing to my long list of things to do.
All the drawers emptied.

Next I took the kids to Mom's so I could go grocery shopping.  It was all fine and good until I got to the checkout and the checker asked me when my baby was due.  I indignantly told her that I am not pregnant.  She looked at my tummy and with an offensive amount of shock and disbelief in her voice said, "Oh!"  Rude.  Note to self: don't wear that outfit again.  Ever.

Unloading the groceries I dropped a glass bottle that broke and sent glass flying all over the kitchen including under the fridge.  Hadn't planned on cleaning under there but, why not!  I stopped what I was doing and moved out the fridge and swept and mopped.  Don't go barefoot in my house for awhile.

Yesterday was cleaning day.  Penny and I were discussing my frustration of cleaning with three small children underfoot.  She likened it to "brushing your teeth while eating Oreo's".  Precisely.  I told Brad I am never going to clean the house again while all 3 kids are home.  I also strongly hinted that I need a housekeeper.  He ignored me.

At one point I came downstairs and Jude was sitting amidst several Christmas ornaments that he had yanked off the tree (BIG no-no in our house) and a couple of them were broken. It didn't bother him at all that he was sitting in broken glass.  That kid is tough.  James had also pulled down one of the stockings and broken the stocking holder.  I was only away from them for 2 minutes at the most! Cleaning broken glass out of the carpet is way less fun that sweeping it up from under the fridge.

The final straw of the day came when I put both boys in the bathtub.  That is my one thing that I can count on to pass some time and keep them contained and out of my hair.  I usually use this time to fold laundry because I can keep an eye on them while they bathe and make sure they don't drown each other. As I was sitting by the bath having a deep and lengthy conversation with James about keeping his pull-up dry at night Jude stabbed James in the privates with an army guy.  The sniper to be precise.  And at that point we all came undone.  James understandably freaked out and was in pain.  I immediately yanked Jude out of the tub, put him in jammies and put him to bed very early.  James demanded that the whole troop of Army guys be thrown away.  I don't blame him at all.  James was hysterical and all he wanted was his dad.  He knew I had no idea of the pain he was in and needed someone who could relate.  The problem was Brad was still an hour away.  So I got to listen to wailing and crying for an hour.
Thankfully James and his privates survived the assault and we can all move on.  There is a fair amount of PTSD that we are dealing with but I am certain time will resolve that too. 

So here we are starting a new and much better day!  I can give the kids 100% of my attention like they want and hopefully avert any more disasters.  When I was lying in bed last night I felt so guilty and horrible about the day.  I hate when the kids see me lose my temper and get frustrated at small things.  I'm thankful that we get to start all over today and I get to be a better mommy to these precious children.

Lamentations 3:22-23-God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, His merciful love couldn’t have dried up.  They’re created new every morning.  How great your faithfulness!


Sarah Hammer said…
Sweetie. Sounds like "normal" to me. Don't beat yourself up. I have no great words of wisdom from a long time Mom, just that you are at a very delicate part of parenting where you have to figure out how to balance it all and deal with all the kids according to their different character and personalities. Ugh. Not fun. Just try not to feel guilty for getting overwhelmed with every "little" thing.'s normal. And Praise Jesus its always a new day with new grace. Lord knows I need it. Every stinking day.