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Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday we went over to Mom and Dad to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephews.  It is so good to see them!  James was acting cranky and fell right asleep when we got home.  He never naps so he must've been very tired.
My mother-in-law and father-in-law came over last night for Thanksgiving dinner.  We had a wonderful and relaxing evening with them.
Brad sharpening his turkey-carving knife
I woke up feeling yucky yesterday but figured it was just allergies.  I felt worse and worse as the day went on.  By the time I got in bed I felt awful and was running a temp.  I went to the doctor first thing this morning and I have strep.  Boo.  My family is celebrating Thanksgiving today with my other sister and family coming into town as well as 2 aunts and my grandmother.  Brad is over there now with the kids while I am in bed and so sad.  I look forward to being with my family at the holidays all year and I can't believe I'm missing out on it.  I hope that I am well enough tomorrow to go over there. 

Katy Jane got all dolled-up to go see everyone.
