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I'm Such A Slacker

Time to play catch-up again.  First of all...James FINALLY had his last soccer game Saturday...and the other team didn't show up.  Presumably because they knew they would be defeated by the mighty green team.  Although no scores were ever kept, I'm sure we won every game.
His trophy!
When he got his medal he said, "I'm not crazy about this."
He WAS crazy about his dino drink and skittles from Coach Jessica.
Cousin Addi and James
Both Grandma and I were telling him to smile for a picture at the same time which resulted in this weirdness.
I thought James did sort of great at soccer but I think his strengths may just lie elsewhere.  We are going to give gymnastics a whirl.  He starts Wednesday and he is so excited.  All day he has been talking about "nastics".  The course description said that it teaches balance and coordination which the child is in desperate need of. 

Saturday was my sweet Daddy's birthday but we waited and celebrated Sunday night.  Happy birthday Daddy!!!
Singing happy birthday!
Jude was excited about the birthday cake!
Sunday was also Brad's company picnic.  It was so much fun!  They had a tent with people making balloon animals and hats.  My boys chose the largest most annoying thing on the list...the helicopter hat.  Seriously.
They wore them so proudly...if they only knew how ridiculous they looked.  Bless their little hearts.
Brad carried Katy Jane around in the baby back pack...or front pack as the case may be.
Jude (and I) were totally freaked out by the gigantic fiddle-playing frog.  It's just weird.
Waiting for their snow cones
Jude still thinking about frogzilla.
Jude proudly wore his stupid helicopter hat for the rest of the day.  It was like he didn't even know it was on.
Unfortunately, today both helicopter hats met their demise when they accidentally wound up in the garage and then accidentally got run over by my car and popped.  I hate when stuff like that happens.  But for reals...I do not need more junk in the house for the boys to fight over.  Lots of stuff accidentally gets run over around here and then has to be thrown away.  Someday they are going to realize that I am not really that bad of a driver and the jig will be up.

Katy Jane turned 2 months old last Tuesday.  She weighed 9.5 pounds at her 2 month well-check.  She is such a little joy.  I love to see her little personality coming to life with her sweet smiles and cooing.

Tonight Brad took Katy Jane upstairs while I cleaned up after dinner then talked on the phone for a little bit.  This is how I left them.
And this is how they were when I came back a few minutes later.
In their defense, Brad works insanely long hours and Katy takes a lot of energy to be so cute all the time.


bonnie said…
Oh my goodness, I was cracking up at the helicopter ballon hats. So funny. Katy is adorable!
Unknown said…
I lOVE!!!! reading your blog. You totally crack me up. Love seeing the pics too. Katy is adorable. You & B have the most precious, beautiful kids! Can't wait to meet them all & see you both too...hopefully very soon! xoxo