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Strong Children

So I'm trying out a new thing with James called discipline.  And to be's pretty hard on us.  It is no secret that James has me wrapped around his little finger so I let him get away with a lot.  A whole lot.  He is such a sweet boy and so compassionate and good that it makes it hard for me to discipline him when he does act badly.

I think I started out on the right foot but then Jude was diagnosed and my focus was turned towards him and his health.  Then a few months later I got pregnant with Katy Jane so along with being preoccupied with Jude's health, I was also exhausted and too tired to follow through on the threats I was calling discipline. 

So James went from being 2 years old to late 3 when it finally dawned on me that I need to get this kid whipped into shape before things get out of hand.  For me, it is just so hard because he is so good most of the time that it hurts me to be hard on him when he misbehaves.  And it hurts his feelings when I get onto him which makes it even harder on me. 

The past few days have been exhausting and hard on James and I.  I feel mean and I don't want to be a mean Mommy.  I know there is a difference between mean and preventing my child from turning into the kid no one wants to be around...but's so hard.  Today, I guess we were both worn out.  It was towards the end of the day and we had both had it.  Brad was at work and I was the only person in the house not crying.  The noise level from 3 children crying was really more than I could take.  So I called in my back up.  Mom was here in record time.  She helped defuse the situation and removed the problems.  Katy and I got a little peace and quiet, and James and Jude got to have some fun at Nana and Papa's.  Mom told me that she overheard James saying to himself, "swinging on the tire swing makes me feel better I'm finking" (thinking). 
Go to your happy place kid...heaven knows Momma did.

Nobody ever said parenting was easy.  I read this quote today by Frederick Douglass, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."  No pressure there.  My children are such a joy and I am so grateful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to parent them.  I just hope I don't irreparably screw them up in the process.


Unknown said…
Thank you for the great quote at the end. A good reminder!!!