It's a boy! Jude Quinn. He currently weighs 1 pound and 1 ounce.
Everything checked out great! His heart, organs, spine, brain, and everything in between.
His profile doesn't look anything like James' looked at this same time on his sonogram. And I don't remember James ever doing this...
Touching his toes to his head.
James doesn't know what is going on yet. We told him he is going to have a baby brother and he just stared at us.
I realized this morning that I can no longer tell him he is "my favorite little boy in the whole wide world" anymore. But at least I have about 18 more weeks to spoil him.
James doesn't know what is going on yet. We told him he is going to have a baby brother and he just stared at us.
I love the name Jude, too. It is so masculine!