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You know how much I hate crafting.  But my kids love it.  And how could I not love what these precious babies make for me...especially when they come to me so proud of their creation with a face like this!
Crafting must make them sleepy.
Last weekend Mom and Dad kept the children for Brad and I so we could go see Zach and Lindsay for the weekend.  We had a great time.  Zach and Lindsay are the consummate hosts.  They thought of every detail to make us comfortable.  But here's the deal...they have this dog named Annie.  And I nearly slipped her into my bag to take her home because she is the most perfect dog ever in the history of ever.  Why can't Brad and I have that kind of luck with dogs?!?!
This is how she likes to be a baby!
She wanted to play dominoes with us.
 We had fun shopping while we were there.  Brad even found a new little pet.  
The only bad part of the whole weekend was being away from our sweet kiddos.  We facetimed with them before bed.  I missed my babies and they missed us.
I even got to stop by and see Dee Dee while I was in town.
The next night after we got home, a few minutes after we had put the kids in bed, we heard a loud thump followed by screaming.  All parents know the difference between a scream you can ignore, and a scream that needs attention.  This one definitely needed attention.  Both boys came running to our room and Jude was hurt.  Apparently Jude had fallen/jumped from the top bunk.  I held him for a few minutes until I realized there was a lot of blood.  He busted open his little chin and nearly bit his tongue in half.  I rushed him up to the urgent care and got 2 stitches.
By the time I got him into the car to go to the urgent care he had already stopped crying.  My Jude is so tough.  He was even amused by the blood pressure cuff and finger pulse thing.
Cool as can be.
He got to watch a little tv while we waited for the doc.
All stitched up!  He didn't cry a single tear while he was getting his stitches.  He is so tough. 
Not thrilled about the stitches...but tough.  The nurses and doctor all commented on how brave he was and how well he handled it.  He just lifted up his shirt and showed them the scar that goes half-way across his belly.  Enough said.
He was not as calm getting the stitches out on Friday.  My head still hurts from the screaming.
Poor sweet little guy.  He's been through so much in his 3 years.  I adore this child.
My friend Tara had a Valentine's playdate for our kids on Friday.  So much fun!  This is just 2 of the 8 that were there.  Sweet little girls.

Later that day, James and Jude found that they could save time by going potty at the same time. Resourceful but wildly inappropriate and gross.  Life with boys!  I have to admit though...I sort of admired their ingenuity.
Katy Jane, on the other hand, is all sorts of demanding lately.  I think she's caught onto the fact that she's the only girl and the males around here are pretty much at her beck and call.  So when I refuse to bend to her will...I can count on a fight.  Lucky for us, I'm just the gal for the job.  This was all because she wanted another piece of gum.  She went from sad, to angry, and back to sad...then angry one last time for good measure.  Didn't work.  Now had she been dealing with her Daddy...she would've had all the gum she wanted.
This face, it's the one that gets him every time.
Listen sister, I know all the tricks.  I've mastered them all.  From one Daddy's girl to it for him.  It's not gonna work on me.  Love you though!  And I admire you for trying.  You gave it 110%.
