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James & Judieisms

Any time I brag on one of my kids or share something funny they've said I feel like I have to justify it by saying the reason I started this blog in the first place is as a journal for my kids blah blah blah...

So the other day we were at my Dee Dee's house and I was trying to get a picture of the kids with her and my Aunt Donna.  The only problem was her kitty was on the couch beside her.  Jude does not like any animals.  Period.  No matter how big or small, friendly or playful, he does not like them at all.  Jude refused....flat out sit by that cat.  He said, "Me no like meow meows.  Me scared of meow meows."  And Jude is not going to do what he does not want to do. 
When we go to church the boys like to ride the elevator.  Jude will say, "We ride vader vader?"
James loves going to dinner on Wednesday night at church.  The first time we went to dinner at the church they had burgers.  He asked me a few days later why we were changing to FBC from our old church.  As I was coming up with an acceptable answer for a 5 year old he said, "Because they have burgers for dinner, right?"  Yes, that's exactly right.
And Parker and Piper.  What could be better?!  The other day after playing at Parker and Piper's house, as we were driving home, James said, "Mom!  We have to do that again sometime.  I've never felt so alive." 
Side eye to Jude.  I hear ya girl.  You've gotta keep an eye on that one.
Last night Jude said, "Jesus made my brains.  They light up at night.  My brains light up at night."  Okie dokie.
Sleepy Judie Bug
These three babes and the things they say and do that delight me everyday.  I'm so blessed.
