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Little Ones

I've mentioned before that I attend Bible Study Fellowship.  Last week's notes were particularly convicting and wonderful.  A hard pill to swallow.  But sometimes that is just what I need.

I LOVE my children and love spending all my time with them.  Sometimes I am not as willing or generous with my time with other people's children though.  I envy those who have a natural enthusiasm and genuine desire and love for working with children.  Now when it comes to bet!  Sign me up!  I'll joyfully hold a baby all day long!  But once they get past the sleepy lump can take it or leave it.  (Seriously?  Am I admitting this?)
A few little quotes from the notes that have been weighing on my heart and stuck in my mind:
Jesus said that to receive a humble child in His name is actually to welcome Him, the Son of God.  Far from being a small work, this is great.  To be loved by children is sobering.  Leading the children in our lives to Christ is a solemn responsibility.  What activities has God called you to put aside to reach His little ones?  Most things will soon vanish.  To bring one little one to Christ has eternal value, and heaven rejoices.  Is this your perspective when your neighbors' children come into your home?  How often do you speak of and demonstrate Christ to them?
And then regarding my own children:
Jesus' little ones are precious to Him.  Ways of causing children to stumble abound.  Certain books, television programs and games can mold a child's mind into selfish and even evil patterns.  Often the focus of a household is on a child's academic success or personal accomplishments.  How shortsighted not to insist even more that children learn of God.  To neglect to study the Bible or to pray or thank God for all He provides is to harm children.

I think I've been somewhat liberal on what I've let my children watch.  It's been in the back of my mind though...that some of the words they use on these shows, their tone of voice, attitude...don't really fit with what we want to teach our kids.  So it makes sense that my children would be confused when I correct them or discipline them for talking the same way the characters on the shows that I TURN ON FOR THEM are talking.  That just doesn't add up.  Especially not to a 5 and 3 year old.  But to think that I've been causing my children to stumble breaks my heart.  I want to mold their precious hearts and minds into God-fearing, loving, generous, obedient, kind, peaceful, patient, joyful, gentle, elder-respecting patterns.  It matters what I fill their minds and hearts with.  It counts.
So there has been a big overhaul on the entertainment we are allowing.  This has been coming on for awhile, it wasn't just because of the notes.  But the notes just confirmed what Brad and I had been feeling and thinking.  And so far there have been no complaints from the boys.  We stopped by the church video library after school today to rent some movies and that was super fun for James. 

I want what I'm feeding my children's minds and hearts to be glorifying to the Lord.  I want it to be something that helps to develop them into children that respond to God's call.  Whether it's my words, example, attitude, entertainment, activities or people I let them be around...I want it to point them to the Lord and a relationship with Him.  I want to demonstrate Christ to them. That is no small task.  Actually, it's daunting and intimidating.  But God blessed Brad and I with these children so we are humbly trusting that He will give us the strength and wisdom to raise them according to His word and will.  Yes, we fail.  Often.  But God's grace is so big and His forgiveness so swift.  I'm so grateful for that.

Odds & Ends

Our poor little Judie Bug has been feeling crummy the last few days.  I think he is finally on the mend. 
On one of the pretty days we've had lately we went to the park to feed the ducks.  And there were plenty of hungry ducks to feed.  Come to find out stale raisin bran isn't really their thing. Who knew?!  I'll stick with bread from now on. 
Katy Jane was TERRIFIED of the ducks.  She refused to be put down.  Probably didn't help that there was about a billion of them and they were fighting over the food.  I think we all got a little freaked out at one point when an angry duck mob starting fighting over a blueberry bagel James threw out to them. 
This guy.  I'm so grateful to be figuring out this parenting thing with him.  He is the most generous, patient, forgiving man in the world.  I'm so blessed.
