I've mentioned before that I attend Bible Study Fellowship. Last week's notes were particularly convicting and wonderful. A hard pill to swallow. But sometimes that is just what I need. I LOVE my children and love spending all my time with them. Sometimes I am not as willing or generous with my time with other people's children though. I envy those who have a natural enthusiasm and genuine desire and love for working with children. Now when it comes to babies...you bet! Sign me up! I'll joyfully hold a baby all day long! But once they get past the sleepy lump stage...eh...I can take it or leave it. (Seriously? Am I admitting this?) A few little quotes from the notes that have been weighing on my heart and stuck in my mind: Jesus said that to receive a humble child in His name is actually to welcome Him, the Son of God. Far from being a small work, this is great. To be loved by children is sobering. ...