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Showing posts from February, 2014

Little Ones

I've mentioned before that I attend Bible Study Fellowship.  Last week's notes were particularly convicting and wonderful.  A hard pill to swallow.  But sometimes that is just what I need. I LOVE my children and love spending all my time with them.  Sometimes I am not as willing or generous with my time with other people's children though.  I envy those who have a natural enthusiasm and genuine desire and love for working with children.  Now when it comes to bet!  Sign me up!  I'll joyfully hold a baby all day long!  But once they get past the sleepy lump can take it or leave it.  (Seriously?  Am I admitting this?) A few little quotes from the notes that have been weighing on my heart and stuck in my mind: Jesus said that to receive a humble child in His name is actually to welcome Him, the Son of God.  Far from being a small work, this is great.  To be loved by children is sobering. ...

James & Judieisms

Any time I brag on one of my kids or share something funny they've said I feel like I have to justify it by saying the reason I started this blog in the first place is as a journal for my kids blah blah blah... So the other day we were at my Dee Dee's house and I was trying to get a picture of the kids with her and my Aunt Donna.  The only problem was her kitty was on the couch beside her.  Jude does not like any animals.  Period.  No matter how big or small, friendly or playful, he does not like them at all.  Jude refused....flat out sit by that cat.  He said, "Me no like meow meows.  Me scared of meow meows."  And Jude is not going to do what he does not want to do.  When we go to church the boys like to ride the elevator.  Jude will say, "We ride vader vader?" James loves going to dinner on Wednesday night at church.  The first time we went to dinner at the church they had burgers.  He asked me a few day...

Welcome To The Family

A few months ago the Lord individually laid it on mine and Brad's heart to begin searching for another church.  We didn't discuss it at the time and neither knew that the other was thinking and praying about the same thing.  Through a series of events, we began to talk about things and realized that we were both wanting the same thing for our family...and that was clearly lacking where we were. To my shock and delight, my previously Catholic husband suggested that we visit First Baptist Church where James goes to preschool.  Every time we were up at the church dropping James off or picking him up, the staff and people there were always so welcoming and kind and warm. Elaine Clark drew us in with her warmth and love.  She certainly started the ball rolling in the FBC direction.  My children (and all of us) fell in love with her.  James will see her across the church, screams her name, and runs full speed and hugs her. Everyone is just so available and acce...


You know how much I hate crafting.  But my kids love it.  And how could I not love what these precious babies make for me...especially when they come to me so proud of their creation with a face like this! Crafting must make them sleepy.   Last weekend Mom and Dad kept the children for Brad and I so we could go see Zach and Lindsay for the weekend.  We had a great time.  Zach and Lindsay are the consummate hosts.  They thought of every detail to make us comfortable.  But here's the deal...they have this dog named Annie.  And I nearly slipped her into my bag to take her home because she is the most perfect dog ever in the history of ever.  Why can't Brad and I have that kind of luck with dogs?!?! This is how she likes to be a baby!   She wanted to play dominoes with us.  We had fun shopping while we were there.  Brad even found a new little pet.   The only bad part of the whole weeken...