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The Babes

The other day when Penny and the kids were over, she caught a picture of James and Zintha having a picnic over in the corner.  I about died of cuteness when I saw her feeding him a bite of fake watermelon.  I love that girl!  She's only 4 and has the sweetest, most nurturing spirit.  No wonder James loves her so.
I made the mistake of getting a package of water balloons at Target.  It led to 4 days of water balloon fights.  Brad and I took turns filling the water balloons because, yuck...who wants that job?  The boys loved it though.  I had to have more than a few talks with Brad about letting the boys get in a few shots.  His competitive nature takes over and the boys and I have to run for cover.
One water balloon fight led to Jude slipping on the wet concrete and falling directly on his ear on a step.  Ouch!
After some fierce battles, I came in to find the boys sitting on the couch each reading a decorating magazine.  I had to text my sister Carrie to make sure they aren't her sons.  Maybe they can give me some pointers.
Katy Jane is doing so well with her physical therapy.  But today she stood up beside her new toy and couldn't figure out how to get back down.  I thought it was funny and wanted her to figure it out on her own, but my compassionate little Jamesie took pity on her and helped her down.
I love this picture of my sweet boys...except for the mountain of laundry in the background.  Folding laundry isn't my favorite chore.  Today Brad was trying to dig something out of the mountain and casually said, "I think you have a little laundry to fold."  Ya think?
I'm too busy staring at my precious babies to fold laundry.
I love them so much.
