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Cousins & Katy Jane's 1st Birthday!

Brad's cousin Kristy and her two daughters Katie and Kara, and Brad's Aunt Vicki came into town Wednesday night.  We haven't seen Kristy since our wedding 7 years ago and we have been so excited for her visit!

The kids wasted no time getting acquainted and playing dress-up.  Katie was the little mom of the group.
James, Katy, Katie, Jude, Kara
Thursday we went to Palo Duro Canyon.  It was a beautiful day for it.
James, Katie, Brad, Jude, Kristy, Kara, Aunt Vicki
While Brad, Kristy, Kara, Jude and James went on a hike, Katy Jane, Katie, Aunt Vicki and I hung out in the shade.
 I think Katy Jane enjoyed the canyon.
The boys were red, hot and sweaty after their hike.

Kristy & Brad
After the hot hike in the canyon, the kids wanted to run through the sprinkler.  Kara was happy to just borrow one of the boys swim suits.  I like a gal that's comfortable in her own skin!

The kids had a sleep over.  I think they may have gotten about 2 minutes of sleep that night.  We paid for it the next day.
Yesterday was my precious little Katy Jane's 1st birthday!!!!  I can't believe it's already been a year!  It went by so fast.
What a grumpy little fairy!
 Waiting for her cake.
Our whole happy family with our birthday princess.
We sure are crazy about her!
Katy Jane and her sweet Nanapie!
James said he wanted to get Katy Jane some bracelets and Jude wanted to get her some rings.  He always says, "Katy Jane sure loves her jewels" because she is fascinated by jewelry.

Jude put on some serious bling!
I can't wait to see what the next year brings for our sweet girl!  She is such a blessing to our family and the little girl I've always dreamed about.


El Niño Y Tu Pilin