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Sweet Friends

Today James and I went to visit what will be his new preschool in the fall!  I am so excited.  He is not.  Yet.  But I am praying he will be.  He was super impressed with the cool tunnel room.  I was super impressed with the two precious ladies that showed us around.  They are so kind and nurturing and really seemed to have a good feel for which teacher will be the best fit for my Jamesie.
My kids love their handmade blankets from my Aunt Mary.  Katy Jane has started doing this with hers.  Especially when she sleeps.  So cozy and cute.
I haven't gotten to see Penny in way too long and she and the kids came over this afternoon.  Our visits are never long enough and I always think of a million things we forgot to talk about as soon as she leaves.  My kids are head over heels in love with her kids.  James calls Cole and Caleb "the big boys" and he thinks everything they do is just about the coolest thing ever.  I love that my kids have such precious, wholesome, well-mannered kids to be around. 
Today they brought over some much-appreciated cupcakes (I needed them), a sweet gifty for me and a birthday gift for Katy Jane.  One of the gifts was this book.  I love it!  The pictures are so beautiful and the words are precious.  I know I will read this to Katy Jane for years to come. 
 These are two of my favorite pages.
It says: God's little girl is gracious. 
Some folks hurt others by "speaking their mind." 
But God's girl speaks wisdom-only says what is kind. 
She calms a hurt soul and heals a sad heart
By saying kind words instead of what's "smart."

She speaks wise words.  And she teaches others to be kind. Proverbs 31:26

God's little girl is careful.
To take care of people is how home is run;
It takes spunk and vigor and getting things done.
You pray for your family and watch how they fare;
You look out for others with kind, loving care.

She watches over her family. And she is always busy. Proverbs 31:27

For dinner James asked for smiley face pancakes.  I usually make the smiley faces with M & M's but used chocolate chips instead.  Bad idea.  When I flipped Mr. Happy over, I literally gasped.  I flopped it onto James' plate and hoped for the best.  He gave a look that was part horror, part pain, and part disgust.  As kindly as he could muster, he said, "That is sort of torrifying."  (horrifying + terrifying)  He was absolutely right.
He choked down one bite and politely asked if he could just have a sandwich instead.  I didn't blame him at all.  I took up both boys frankenpancakes, threw them in the trash, shivered, and made them a different dinner.  I totally expect nightmares tonight.  From the kids too.

Thank Heaven's Nana came over tonight to soothe our nerves.  We needed a visit from her.
