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The Question

Tonight I was folding some laundry while the boys played in the bath.  James said to me, "Mommy, do all people love Jesus?"  A heavy question for a 4 year old.  I knew this demanded 100 % of my attention so I quickly prayed for wisdom and went and sat to talk with him.  I said, "Well, Jesus wants all people to love Him and ask Him to come live in their hearts.  That makes Jesus happy."  He thoughtfully closed his eyes and sweetly said, "Jesus, I want you to come live in my heart."  I said, "James, that makes Jesus very happy that you asked Him to live in your heart.  It makes Mommy happy too.  When Jesus lives in your heart, you have to do things that make Him being kind and helpful, being sweet to Jude and Katy Jane, obeying Mommy and Daddy.  It's not always easy.  Mommy messes up a lot and I have to ask Jesus to forgive me and try to do better the next time."  He said, "Like when I ask you to forgive me when I mess up?"  Then he asked me why all people don't love Jesus and ask Him to live in their hearts.  That was a tougher one to answer.  I told him that the best thing we can do is to pray for people to love Jesus.  At bedtime, he had a list already in his mind of who he wanted to pray for to love Jesus.  I'm humbled by the sweetness of this precious little boy.  I'm so grateful that, even at 4 years old, these are the questions on his heart and mind.  From the day I found out I was pregnant with James (and Jude and Katy Jane), I've prayed that he would love the Lord and come to know and accept him at an early age.  I don't know that James fully grasps the concept of what we discussed tonight...but I am tremendously grateful and blessed that he is starting to think on these things.  I pray the Lord grows and matures that faith and acceptance...that He will nurture that curiosity and lead James to a deep, life-long, fulfilling relationship with Him.  What more could a Mommy want?
