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About 8 or 9 years ago my entire family went to the mountains together.  Around the dinner table one night something came up about flamingos.  I have no idea what or how though. I made a comment about how they are just yard art.  I sincerely thought they were just a funny decoration people stuck in their yards to be quirky. 
I genuinely had no idea that they were real birds.  Surely something so pink and cute could not be real!  Much to my sisters delight, they were able to inform me that flamingos are indeed real and the teasing ensued.  I deserved it.  "Have you never been to a zoo?!?!?" they mocked.

Since that fateful day nearly a decade ago, I have been the lucky recipient of many flaming-themed gifts...pj's, shoes, plates, baby clothes, a handbag, cards, and today...the pièce de résistance...FLAMINGO MUFF MUFFS!  Be still my heart.  My niece Madison found them. The boys fought over them for about an hour.
GIDDY with excitement!

I am originally from Memphis, TN.  My Mom and Carrie had to make a spur of the moment trip back to Tennessee last week.  All of my childhood memories center around our home and life in TN.  I loved it there.  I had a wonderfully happy childhood.  Mom and Carrie went back to our old house.  It was such a sweet home with so many sweet memories.
On the front porch swing my Mom would read the Bible to me in the mornings before school while I waited for the school bus.  I remember running through the front door after school and my Mom would have a special snack waiting for me.  At the end of the block lived a little boy named Evan...he gave me the first valentine I can remember when I was about 4...a heart-shaped box of candy.  Up the street is where my best friend Jill lived.  My room was in the back and my Dad planted a rose bush outside my bedroom window.  I can remember every nook and cranny of that house.  I would give anything to go back in.  Sweet, sweet memories.

In Tennessee they had Little Debbie's called Raisin Cream Pies. I can't find them here.  But we would have them for snacks when we were little and they were delish.  Mom and Carrie brought me back 2 boxes and made my life complete.  Little packages of happiness.  And little memories of my childhood.
Brad thought they looked disgusting and refused to try one.  I dove right on in.  He caught me, in all my flamingo-wearing-raisin-cream-pie-eating glory.  Shameful.
I am not afraid to tell you how comfortable those muff muffs are.  Warm too.

For the sweet sisters joking is all in good fun and love.  And every flamingo gift has truly been put to good use.  We actually eat on the flamingo plates almost everyday.

When we found the house we are about to move into...the current owner has not one but TWO flamingo paintings on the wall in the office.  Kismet, no?  We knew it was meant to be.

I still have yet to see a REAL flamingo with my own eyes.  Sort of like the mythical unicorn.  I'll believe it when I see it.


Anonymous said…
I feel the same way about skunks. The way I see it, they're mythical creatures that rise out of their asphalt domain when they're ready to pass away. I joke of course, but I've yet to see a live one!
Unknown said…
NOT shameful, but hilarious!! I laughed on this one! Maddie wins the big prize for the flamingos! Bravo! Love the boys in them too..ha! Jude's expression is so great! Carrie let it slip that I've got some Raisin Little Debbie's coming too! Oh boy!!! Thanks for the laughs tonight!!!
Sarah said…
When I was about 4 or 5 we went to the zoo when we lived in Abilene, TX. There was a wrought iron fence around the flamingo in closure. Most of the flamingos were in the back area, but one wandered to the fence to come watch me watch him. I put my little hands on the fence and stuck my little button nose through trying to get a closer look. The flamingo came closer to inspect me...and decided my nose looked delicious. Or threatening. I'm not sure which. I think I still have the beak marks on the side of my nose. I remember he turned his rad sideways and looked me in the eye before
Sarah said…
Rattlesnakes? Armadillos? Scorpions? Badgers? Skunks? Bobcats? I will stare them down until they feel the chill of death in their soul without blinking an eye. Flamingos? Far girl runs like hell.
Jill Ryan said…
LOVED reading this!!! Hope you guys are doing great.

Love - Jill
Oh my goodness, love seeing the old house! I drove by it the other day, wonderful memories! Come visit us here, I'll take you to see some stinky flamingoes :). They really do exist!!