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So here is a rundown of our lives right now:
Packing our house to move.
Closing on new house in 2 weeks.
Renovations for 1 week.
Movers come in 3 weeks.
Clean, repair, and get this house ready to sell.
New puppy comes home Friday (2 weeks earlier than expected).
Plan and make reservations for Jude's oncology appointment in Dallas.
Katy Jane is still having her spasms.
James is having major issues at school.
School is being unhelpful in resolving these issues.
And today James tested positive for the flu.

After I got back from taking James to the doctor this afternoon, I sat down at the table with Brad and we just shrugged our shoulders.  He said, "Life is chaotic.  We can handle it."  All I know is that if the Lord brings it to us, He will enable us to get through it.  And from every trying, difficult time in our lives...and there have been more than a few...our faith, love for the Lord, and love for each other has grown.  This time will be no different.  Thank you Lord for what you plan to teach us through this time.  And thank You Lord that we can trust You to use this for good in our lives.
Sick, tired baby

Anyways, I got everyone in the family on tamiflu (except Kate because she's too young) so hopefully that will stop the spread of this lovely new addition to our family.

I think I made a little discovery with Katy Jane today.  She has her spasms in almost every position she is in...laying down, sitting up, being held, reclining, in her car seat, in her bouncy seat, in her swing, etc.  It's less when she's being held, but she still has them a little bit.  Today, during a particularly intense and frequent episode, I laid her on her tummy on the floor and she stopped.  Completely.  Later I fed her and moved her back to her swing and the spasms started again.  Moved her to her tummy on the floor and they stopped.  As long as she was on the floor on her tummy she was content and had no spasms. 
Content on her tummy

Today when we were at the doctor, we up'd the dose of her medicine.  Maybe that will help too.

I promised James this morning (before I knew he had the flu) that we would go to Target to get some "water animals" of his and Jude's favorite toys...and one of my favorite too because they are on the dollar aisle. They are those little sponge animals that are in capsules and you put them in water.  Fascinating stuff for little boys.  I made my rounds through the store and James and Jude spotted some Perry the Platypus stuffed animals and just about fell all to pieces.  We are BIG fans of Phineas and Ferb around here.  And the kids are too.  The fact that they were on clearance, combined with the big pitiful "I have the flu and need to be spoiled eyes", means that we came home with 2.  But that's ok, because they don't do much, you know. When I handed one to James, he said, "But Mom!  What about Judie Bug?  He needs one too!" 
They are thinking...."SUCKA!"

Jude can make the Perry the Platypus sound perfectly.  He's the only one in the family that can and we make him do about 2000 times a day.  James tried but he doesn't have the same mad platypus skills that Jude has.  Here he is trying.
Jude's thinking, "Lame!  Leave it to the professional."

Today was my precious friend, Penny's birthday!  She is such a sweet blessing in my life.  I thank the Lord for her everyday.  She is a confidant, prayer warrior, gives me wise counsel, understands my type-a quirks, and is my son's future mother-in-law. My life is richer and better with her in it.  She makes me a better mom, wife, and Christian.
Tonight when James was saying his prayers he said, "Please Lord don't let anyone else get the flu.  And it's Mrs. Penny's birfday.  Happy birfday Mrs. Penny."  Happy "birfday", sweet friend!  Love you!
