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Super Nana

This has been one of those weeks of motherhood where you wish you could take the week off.  It's been a tough one. 

James and Katy Jane have been sick. That pretty much took over the whole week.  All plans had to be cancelled, no school for James, a couple visits to Dr. Honey, and just an overall crummy week.
James had to get two shots and a trip to the hospital for an x-ray and labs.  He was so brave.  I was so proud of my big boy.
Mom and Dad came and took Jude for me so I could focus on my two little sick ones.  He had so much fun having special time with Nana and Papa.  I should've warned Papa that the Little Debbie display is a dangerous place to take my children.  I bet you Jude had that tiny cart loaded up with goodies.
He told Mom that his ice cream was "nummy".  
I'm making a strong push towards getting Jude potty trained.  I hate potty training.  I'm really bad at it too.  James is doing far better at potty training Jude than I am.  But I figured if we were going to be stuck inside all week I might as well try to make some headway towards getting him out of diapers.
Things were going fairly well until Jude pooped on the carpet.  I wanted to throw in the towel at that point.  Come on buddy.  Work with me.
He likes to wear as many costumes at once as he can.  That doesn't help with potty training.  Lots of layers.
I definitely shouldn't have given Katy Jane a donut while she's sick but how could I say no to that sweet face.
And then today rolled around.  And even though the boys were up before 5, I was determined to make this a better day for all of us.  The kids put up a good fight.  I decided to put everyone down for naps after lunch.  It didn't help.  Everyone was in a bad mood.  Temper tantrums.  Fighting.  Crying.  Whining.  And the kids had problems too.
Super Baby

After several unsuccessful attempts at a phone conversation with my mom because we couldn't hear each other talking over the kids screaming, she could tell I was in over my head.  To be honest, I don't know how she made it through the door.  The house looked like a bomb went off.  But she saved the day!  My babes love their Nana.  Katy Jane couldn't get enough snuggles.  She was just the breath of fresh air we needed.  Such a precious blessing and much needed respite from the struggles of the week.  Thank you Mommy!
Motherhood is hard.  Most days the joys and blessings far outweigh the struggles.  Some days, not.  But there is nothing I would rather be doing than taking care of these 3 precious babes.  Even though I sometimes go and hide in the closet for a few minutes.
