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The First Day Of School & Some Other Stuff

Last week we had "Meet The Teacher" night at school.  
James got to take his supplies in, meet his two teachers, have a scavenger hunt around the room, and then refreshments.  James was so excited to neatly and methodically organize his supplies in his cubbie. My genes.  School supplies + Organization = True Love
Afterwards we went down the hall for cookies and tea.  (Yes, tea.  A weird choice for children 4 and under at 7:00 at night but whatev.  James had water.) But we walked up to the table, he perused, and said, "Now THIS is what I call refreshments!" 

After several test runs to the school, facing his gym fears (Thanks again for that Sonlight Preschool), praying, was First Day Of Pre-K Eve.  I asked James how he was feeling about the first day.  He said he was scared.  I didn't tell him I was scared too.  James packed his backpack with no supervision.  After he went to bed, I looked in his bag to see what we ended up with.  And then I cried.  Because he packed his cowboy hat and superhero cape.  The things that make him feel brave.  I cried really hard for a long time.  It's just that he's still my baby.  He's only 4.  And he's learning to be without me.  To not depend on me.  Have I prepared him for this?  Is he ready?  Will he make new friends? I texted Elaine (the minister to preschool at the church) and she assured me he would be fine and she would check on him.  Elaine has been very instrumental in helping us get James prepared for school and overcoming his anxiety and fear because of all that happened to him last year.  She has been a true blessing to us.  James loves her...we all love her.
He also packed his sunglasses in case they went outside to play on the playground, a bottle of water, some fruit snacks, and 2 packages of peanut butter crackers in case he got hungry.  My precious boy.
This morning he wanted cinnamon toast "the way Nana makes it" for breakfast.  He was worried he would get hungry before I came to get him at noon so he ate 3 pieces.
He looks so much older than he did yesterday
Let's do this!
Can you tell how thrilled he was to be posing with Mom on his first day of school?
He bolted for the door...ready for school!  Thank you Lord for his excitement!

We finally made it into the school and I made him pose for another zillion pictures.  I have to get it in before he won't let me anymore.  Which will be soon.
Thankfully both James and I held up well.  No tears!  I got that all out of the way last night.  He be-bopped right on into class, hung his back pack on his hook, checked his cubbie, and went off to learn.  Without me.  All big-boyish and stuff.  Brad refused to let me linger.  Because I might have sat right there in the hall all day long.

I occupied those three hours with shopping.  When in doubt, shop.  Precious Elaine texted me mid-morning to let me know his teachers said he is precious and she sent me this picture.  My heart was soothed.
Noon finally came and I got to go pick up my big boy!  He had a great day.  His teacher Ms. Sherrie told me he was the class leader and was very polite.  So proud of him.  I asked him if he made any friends and he said he was friends with Clara and Hudson.  He told me all about his day.  I mentioned that we need to get his stuff ready to go back tomorrow morning.  He said, "Wait wait wait wait wait!  You mean I have to go back tomorrow?!?!?!" 
Me: "Ummm.  Yes.  And the day after that too.  And then again next week.  Every week until May of next year."
James: "I'm not sure about that." 
Me either.  But we can do it!

When we got home I showed him his First Day Of School treat!  A tradition we started last year.  (Can you call it a tradition if you've only done it twice???)  Bakery cookies!
I asked James if he used his good manners and said, "yes mam and no mam".  He said, "Ms. Sherrie told me I don't have to say all that stuff.  I just have to follow the rules." 

The Lord is so good to have led us to a school where I feel James is safe and in a wonderful learning environment with sweet Christian women.  I look forward to all of the things he will learn this year, the ways he will grow and change.


The rest is just some pictures I had on my camera of my sweet babes.
Guns and blueberry muffins for breakfast.
Ready for church
My handsome boys
Must be stressful being the princess
Chocolate donut mustache


Jaimee Sperry said…
Is it weird that I cried when I read what James packed in his backpack? I felt your pain. It's so hard to let go of your baby. Hope he has a great year of school!