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First Steps

James has been having a great time at school.  I am so proud of him.  He had homework last weekend.  It took me 3 hours.
They also read a really cute book last week called The Kissing Hand and the teacher sent home this paperboard and instructions for us to send our hand back with a kiss on it for when they miss us.  Love it.
As I've mentioned many times before, both Brad and I are type-a and our little James has inherited those same tendencies.  Organization, timeliness, school supplies, tidiness...all things we love.  And the Scholastic book order form!  Brad and I have talked about how much we loved that time of year when we were in school.  Much to our extreme delight James came home with his very first Scholastic book order forms last week.  He called them his "newspapers".  He looked at them from cover to cover many times.  And then again with Brad and I sitting next to him.  Then he put circles around the ones he wanted and x's through the rejects.  He didn't want us to make any mistakes.  Our hearts swelled with pride.
Sweet Ms. Elaine sent me a picture of James painting at school Thursday.  I love getting to see him when I'm not around.
The new schedule has been hard on my littles.  Just as we pulled up to pick James up from school, both had just fallen asleep.  Bad timing.
Thursday was Jude, Katy Jane and my first day of BSF this year.  They both did great and loved it.  Jude thinks he's going to school like his big brother and says that his sweet Mrs. Nelda is his teacher.
Katy Jane was officially discharged from phyiscal therapy Monday!  Yay Katy Jane!!!!  So proud of my girl!  And today...she took her first two steps at Nana and Papa's house!!!!!!  Hooray!  She will be walking all over the place in no time.
Last day of PT
We are delighted to see Katy Jane's sweet personality more and more every day.  She is such a joy for all of us.  Even her big brothers seem thrilled by her winsomeness.
1st pony tail
She discovered her bellybutton
And was thrilled
Her expressions change by the second.  And she is so expressive.
This picture cracks me up.  I don't know what James' tough-guy face is all about.
When their Daddy is home, the boys think he is their own personal jungle gym.  He is such a fun Daddy. 
I'm not sure, but would you call these "forced smiles"?  Yes, I think so.
That's better.  Thanks.
Jude is my little snuggle bunny.  I love when he comes in and snuggles down next to me.
A few rounds of Candy Land before bedtime.
Today we got to have lunch with our precious friends Penny and Zintha.  It has been WAY too long since James has gotten to see his best girl!  Yesterday I told him we were going to see her today and he said, "I can't wait to see what Z's wearing because she always looks so booful!"  Very true.
"Can we get some pizza from Tiny Caesars?" (Little Caesars)

"I'm only gonna tell you this once.  You smell like Walmart.  I'm not gonna say it again." (Oddly, I think he meant that as a compliment).

A few weeks ago we went to a birthday party for a little friend and there was a pinata hanging from the tree in the back yard.  James looked at it and turned to me and seriously asked, "Do they have safety goggles?"

Today James asked me: Does Wally have a birthday?
Me: Yes.
James: When is it?
Me: Dunno.  I will have to look at my calendar.
James: I know what we should get him for his birthday.
Me: What?
James: Some spray to make him smell better.  And a little bone.

I got cucumber lime Gatorade.  Yuck.  I tried to pass it off to the kids.  James took one sip, made a horrible face, and said, "Mom!  This Gatorade has gone bad!  Don't ever give this to me again!!!"


bonnie said…
Oh my goodness. James cracks me up!