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Happy Birthday Jude

Oh my precious Judie Bug.  Happy 3rd birthday my love.  There are times I look at you and I am filled with complete wonderment.  We came so close to losing you that I spend everyday thankful for your life.  Every year that I get to celebrate your birthday I will celebrate with such zeal and eagerness because of the Lord's great gift of you. 

You are a constant source of entertainment.  Sometimes you fill me with bewilderment.  You get upset at the funniest things.  We have to laugh because we just don't understand. 

Sometimes you fill me with intrigue.  I love to watch the way you do things.  You do things so differently than I do and I love that about you.  You love to read.  You study things.  You are very contemplative.  You would rather sit back and watch, observe first.  You are mysterious.  For a 3 year old.
Sometimes you fill me with overflowing joy with your sweetness.  You have a smile...the sincere one.  The closed-lip one.  It catches me off guard sometimes and takes my breath away. 
Sometimes you fill me with awe because of your thoughtfulness.  You will come up and shower me with sweet kisses just when I need it the most.  Your "thank you Mama" warms my heart more than you will ever know.  You are the consummate good sport.  You are the first to say, "Yay Bubba!" when James wins a game.  I hope that never changes.
ALWAYS you fill my heart with so much love that I think it will burst.  Little Jude...I love you so very much!  I can't wait to see what this year brings for you. Being your Mama is such a privilege.  Happy Birthday my sweet Jude!


Steph said…
Happy happy birthday sweet boy! Oh how I've missed you snuzi!