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What's Cookin Good Lookin?

James loves to cook.  Anytime he can help me in the kitchen, he does.  He doesn't eat a variety of different things, but he sure loves to cook them.  He tells us, with no uncertainty, that he will be a chef when he grows up.  But he says it with his heavy southern accent so it sounds more like "shayuff".  Jude helps cook only when James talks him into it. And he quickly looses interest.  Even still...I guess I should probably order him his own apron like James' so he doesn't always have to wear one of mine.
We love to have breakfast for dinner around here.  One of our favorites is french toast with berries.
James is in charge and Jude is the sous chef.  Always.  If it's not Jude, I'm his sous chef.  Regardless...he is always in charge.

Brad coming home from work is the highlight of our day.  The boys scream and run to the door as soon as they hear the garage door going up.  After dinner Brad plays with the kids until bedtime.  He is such an amazing father.  He gets up at 3 am to get ready for work, leaves by 4 am, works all day until 6:30 pm and then comes home and still has the energy to play with the children.  I am a very blessed wife with 3 very blessed children.
I forgot to post this picture the other day.  The boys love to play with the costumes.  This was Katy Jane's costume last year and somehow Jude managed to wiggle into it.  No kidding, he wore it for several hours.


Hi niice reading your post