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Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Mommy and Mother-in-law.  I had a wonderful day with you both.  Thank you for sharing it with me.  Love you!

This morning both boys came and crawled in bed on either side of me.  So sweet.  As I was laying there thinking about what a perfect Mother's Day morning that was, they BOTH started snoring...right in my ears.

Before church, my kids had to endure the obligatory Mother's Day photo.  It's always so pleasant trying to get a picture of 3 kids as we rush out the door for church.  Seriously, there should be a law against that.  It's torture.  But I'm sure 20 years from now we won't remember me saying through gritted teeth, "sit still and SMILE at the camera or you're going to the corner!!!!!!"
Apparently Katy Jane had had enough of Jude.  Talk to the hand.
Katy Jane was dedicated at church this morning.  She is the happiest baby ever.  She's always so content and good.  Except for when she is in front of the entire a full sanctuary.  Then she decides to throw a back-arching, hair-bow-flinging, screaming, crying fit.  Nice.  Real nice.  So proud.  It felt like the dedication lasted 5 hours.  I doubt it even took because she was so loud and awful.  Maybe we need to see about repeating it at next year's dedication.
And here she is in all her back-arching glory.  Me: fake-I'm-trying-to-remain-calm-and-act-like-her-fit-doesn't-phase-me-but-please-hurry-smile.  Brad: head bowed in silent shame while holding the discarded hair bow wishing any other baby but the screaming one was ours.  I can even see his head vein bulging...the one that starts to pulsate when he gets tense.  Yeh.  It was that bad.

Oh...and she spit up all over her dress on the way to church.  Because of course I didn't put a bib on her like I normally do.  Jude was in the back seat saying, "fro up!  fro up!" and pointing at Katy Jane.  O-well.  I consider it a major victory to get 5 people bathed, fed, clothes ironed, and to church on time.  So what if we had a little spit-up and temper tantrums along the way.

After church we had lunch and gifties at Moms.

Katy Jane played it safe in Papa's arms. I had had my fill of the little darling.
Tonight Brad's parents came over and we celebrated Mother's day again.  It was a nice evening together.
What a wonderful Mother's Day!  I am so blessed!
