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Sick, Sicker, Sickest

It started with Katy Jane.  She had a runny nose last week so I took her in on Friday.  Turns out she had an ear infection in both ears.  Got her on an antibiotic and moved on.  Until Monday when both boys started acting like they weren't feeling well.  Then it quickly turned into lots of snot and coughing and grumpy attitudes.  Then we topped it off with Katy Jane not doing any better and not eating.  Back to the doctor on Tuesday.  Thankfully I had Mom to help me.  It is truly amazing the difference it makes having another adult present.  Especially the Nanapie!
While we were all heading up to Dr. Honey's office James got his hand stuck in the elevator doors as they slid open.  Not in the part where it closes, but between the two door parts that slide in to the wall.  Does that make sense?  No?  Never mind.  Just take my word for was horrible.  It looked way worse than it was though.  He screamed, I yanked his hand out, picked him up and ran down the hall with him to the doctor's office.  Raine brought him out an ice pack.  Thankfully it is just bruised and a little swollen but perfectly fine.  I really thought it was going to be broken or mangled or something awful when I pulled it out of there.

It's a good thing we all went in though because Katy's right ear had gotten much worse, Jude has pneumonia, and James has bronchitis.  Oy.  Lots of breathing treatments, antibiotics, and kleenex going on around here.  Jude has felt particularly bad.  My poor baby.
I think Katy Jane is starting to feel better though.  She wants her brothers to feel better too.


Unknown said…
Holy Smokes! Not only do you have 3 sick kids, but you have one getting his hand stuck in an elevator! Oh my gosh, traumatic! Grant was just telling me about the same sort of thing happening to him, but not quite the trauma that James had. Elevators freak me out a little. They're scury! Can't wait to tell the boys abt this one! Praying for you!
bonnie said…
Goodness gracious! Luke had double ear infections last week and then broke out in hives yesterday! Turns out he's allergic to penicillin like his momma. Praying everyone feels better soon!