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Doctors & More Doctors

Judie Bug got his hair cut today and looks so handsome.  He was so proud of himself.  As Brad was leaving with him, James yelled for him to make sure they gave Jude a sucker.  Sweet boy looking out for his little brother.
After they got back I took Katy Jane to the doctor.  She had developed a yucky cough and fever.  She has RSV and a double ear infection.  Poor little girl.  I think she is our first kid to get RSV.  She feels so badly but still is so sweet.
This is just a random picture of the boys with bubble beards.
And another random picture of them with their sweet Nanapie.
This afternoon Brad, James and I had our eye doctor appointments.  This was James' first and he was SO excited about it!  He didn't stop talking the whole the doctor, the assistant, the receptionist, the people in the waiting room...  And he did great!  He doesn't need glasses yet which I am happy about.  
He made sure (repeatedly) that the doctor also did a thorough exam on Puppy's eyes.  When Dr. B told him that Puppy's eyes were good and he would not need glasses, James said, "Whew!  That's good news!" 
James was not too sure about the 3D sunglasses they had him wear to test his eyes but I thought he sure looked cute in them.
The boys were so good while they waited for us to finish up.  Even one of the other doctors commented on how good they were.  The secret was those 2 little pieces of paper by each of their legs.  Dr. B gave them a "prescription" for a free ice cream that I told them we would go get as soon as we left IF they were good.
Jude chose bright yellow "Play Dough" ice cream and James got bubble gum.
Good thing they have their dentist appointments next week.  I'm sure we won't be getting any of those special "prescriptions" from her.
