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A Quick Get-Away

Tuesday I picked James up from school and he was extra loquacious. My ears were so tired. Then all of the sudden...out of nowhere...silence. The child who never sleeps, fell asleep. I didn't move or make a sound until he woke up. Sweet boy. Sweet silence.
Wednesday I took Katy Jane for her six month well check except she's seven months. Dr. Honey found Jude's tumor at his six month well check so I have had some major anxiety issues about six month well checks. Of course our little KJ is just fine, except for another ear infection. Ear infections I can handle.
Thursday my sister got into town for a little more birthday celebrating with our sweet Mommy. We did some birthday lunching and shopping.
Saturday morning early, Brad and I dropped all the babes off at Mom and Dad's and went to see our sweet friends, Zach and Lindsay in Lubbock for the weekend. The kids had a great time with Nana, Papa and Aunt Care Care.
We had so much fun hanging out with our friends.  Lots of yummy food, shopping, and catching up.
