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Putting Up Christmas

Today we decorated for Christmas!  I love it!  James really got into it this year but Jude was skeptical.  He was particularly terrified of the Nutcrackers.  And the stuffed animals that sing Christmas songs.  And the Christmas tree.  But mostly of the Nutcrackers. 
James loves all things Christmas.  He insisted that we sing "happy birthday" to Jesus after we got the tree decorated.
I love the memories we are making with our sweet boys.  I have precious memories of my family decorating the tree when I was a little girl.
(In case you wonder why James is always only in undies and a's for potty training purposes.)

Last year when we put up the tree James declared that the angel on top of the tree was Dr. Honey, his pediatrician. 
This year he decided to put the angel on his head instead of on top of the tree.

Jude faced his fears and made friends with the Christmas tree.  Sort of.
The Nutcrackers are still on his naughty list.


Steph said…
oh my gosh... sing happy birthday to Jesus... that is so precious.. so so so cute!
Anonymous said…
This is what we're going to do this weekend!!! I can't wait!!!

Good luck with the potty training. That was my VERY least favorite part about raising Lexie. At least James wears cute undies!!! :o)
Anonymous said…
Look at him in his big boy underwear!!-- Proud, I tell ya!

I love making memories too. That's what it's all about, girlie.

How are you feeling??
Unknown said…
Love, love, love the picture of Jude sizing up the tree...trying to make friends with it! And bravo to James! I heard there was big news in the potty training arena today...yea for James...and you!!!