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Summer Time Summer Time Sum Sum Summer Time

Our church had a family fun night at the pool.  It was oddly cold and started to rain but it was a great idea! Katy Jane loved it.  This little girl loves the water!  She is definitely her father's daughter.  And she is carefree and uninhibited.  I love that about her!  She was running in circles around the splash pad, waving her arms over her head and screaming at the top of her lungs.  Do your thing and shine, girl!
We have had so much wonderful rain lately.  What a blessing!  In the 30 years that I have lived in Amarillo I have never seen Palo Duro Canyon so green.  It is beautiful.  We love the canyon and love to visit there.  We spent an afternoon there but it had rained the night before so all of the trails were closed. We had fun in the creek though!
We met a man named Paul and his little boy who were passing through town from Florida. The kids all played together while we visited.  Katy Jane was heaving big rocks into the river and making these loud grunting noises.  It was so funny to hear such a tiny, dainty little girl making such noises and throwing these big rocks.  Paul dubbed her "Warrior Princess".  We thought that was fitting.
There is so much fun to be had with a sprinkler, a trampoline, some water balloons and a kiddie pool!  Endless hours, and days, of fun in our own backyard.
My sweet Jude!  He never ceases to amaze me.  Doing his thing in style.
The kids LOVE their time with Daddy!  He is pretty amazing! here's the deal.  We are potty training.  It's no cake-walk with this little princess.  Everyone always said, "It's so much easier to potty train girls!"  Well, they lied!  So I was out of swim diapers and yes, this regular pull-up soaked up about half of the pool water.  Katy Jane didn't mind.
Even Sammy gets in on the action!

The boy's think they are called "candy balls" instead of "cannonballs".  So they run across the yard yelling "CANDY BALLS!" before the jump in the pool. I think it's funny so I haven't corrected it yet.
I love their laughs!
The other day there was a disagreement between James and Jude.  It got ugly.  I made them stand face to face until they could work it out.  It didn't even last long enough for me to get my camera up and steady enough to focus before James and Katy Jane started laughing.  Jude held out longer.  But seconds later both boys busted out laughing and hugged each other and moved on.  Done and done.
I love this sweet face.  He melts me every single day.
And this guy. Oh how I love my Jude.  When James was a baby there never was a night that mismatched pajamas touched his pristine, first-baby, well-coordinated body.  Now I'm just grateful that people will get pj's on themselves.  Jab glow sticks in your ears as well???  Sure! Your adorable!
