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Dad Of The Year

Brad made the boys night last weekend by surprising them with a backyard camp out complete with roasted marshmallows.
James said, "This is the best night of my life!  I have the best Daddy in the world!"
I honestly expected the boys to get cold and want to come in within 30 minutes.  They surprised me by staying out there until about 11:30.  Brad and I brought them in, put them in bed and I kissed their cold cheeks that smelled like campfire and roasted marshmallows.

The rest are just some random pictures that I love.
Katy Jane after she found out she has to have surgery.  Bummer.  The princess is not happy.
Katy Jane loves playing Mommy.
She does NOT like having her seat stolen in my lap first thing in the morning by one of her brothers.  It's just rude.
I don't know if it's worth all this....but ya know...if you're going to be dramatic, BE DRAMATIC!
Have I mentioned how crazy I am about this guy lately?  


Unknown said…
This was so much fun to read! Oh my gosh, we have talk.There's so much to catch up on! These pictures are beyond great to see them all. I miss you!!!!