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Sick Babes

2 out of 3 babies are sick.  James has tonsillitis and croup and Katy Jane has an ear infection.  I hate when the babies are sick.
I hate this picture.  He felt so bad.
Sick eyes.

Today Katy Jane had 3 baths...her first bath of the day, then she fell in the bath while the boys were bathing...
And then her 3rd one after dinner...
She doesn't let an ear ache slow her down when it comes to her food. 

She also had to have an EKG the other day which did not make her very happy.
I will be glad when all of my babies are back to feeling good.
After days of feeling so crummy, sweet Nana brought over some fun treats for the kids to cheer them up.

James put on a puppet show with the new puppets they made.  Super sneaky hiding place. 

A crown to help our little princess feel better.
I think Jude is getting tired of his big brother and little sis being sick.  I feel the same way.
We even found him asleep in the living room one night instead of in his bed.  Poor little guy.
There's been a lot of this lately.
We need more of this.
Last week Brad hung a tree swing for the kids.  We all love it.
I'm ready to have everyone feeling better.  It's my sweet James' 5th birthday next and he needs to be feeling his best to celebrate!
