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Five Years, Field Trips, Family & Friends

I need to catch up on the past several days.  James' 5th birthday was so much fun! It started the second his eyes opened.
I love that he loved everything.  Big time.
He is such a joyful boy.  I love that about him.
Jude really liked the new underpants James got.  Maybe because they matched his pj's.
At school that day, he had a field trip to the fire house.  Brad got to go with him which thrilled James.
They got those cute little red fireman hats.  Brad said that James immediately asked the fireman if he could have a hat for his "brudder" too.  My sweet boy.  So thoughtful.
And Jude was beyond thrilled when James ran out and gave it to him.
Such sweet brudders.

That afternoon we had James' party. 
No we didn't have his party in a prison as the gray depressing walls suggest.  It is actually a church in town that has a few party rooms that they rent out.  Maybe it's just me, but if I had a children's party room with a 2 story tunnel play ground, I might paint the walls a cheerful color.  Whatev.
James didn't mind though.

The next day at school I brought cupcakes up to James' class.  His precious teacher makes the birthday's so special.  She said a special prayer for James, everyone sang, and she had a special wall for him.  We are so blessed by his teacher.
The boys are into the Avengers right now.  James got a Hulk costume from Nana and Papa for his birthday.  Jude desperately wanted a Captain American costume.  I don't know that I've ever seen him happier than when he got it.
I love my two precious super heroes.  I feel so safe!

Mom and Dad came over and watched the kids for Brad and I one night.  They got pumpkins and played outside.
Katy Jane is finally letting me put big bows in her hair.  All my dreams are coming true.
This is a cute foam wig from Target.
Our precious Zintha had her 5th birthday party.  Today I overheard James and Jude talking in the backseat.  James asked Jude if he has a girlfriend.  Jude, insulted, said, "No!"  I asked James if he has a girlfriend.  He assuredly said, "Yes!  Zintha."  Good choice James.

Our friends Zach and Lindsay came into town to see us and the kiddos. 

Our neighbors had a pumpkin painting/carving party.
The boys loved painting their pumpkin.
All of that partying, fun, friends and family made for one tired 5 year old.
The night of James' 5th birthday he was putting on his pajamas and he was buttoning the shirt himself.  I usually help him.  He said, "I'm 5 now.  I don't need help.  I can do it myself."  I cried.
Katy Jane discovered Barbie's at Dr. Honey's office.  She loved them.

She also loves happy meals.  You go girl.
Peek-A-Boo Jude.
The other day James and Jude were sitting at the table comparing their fake Avenger tattoos.  James said to Jude, "I didn't know we had so much in common!  We are pretty blessed for little kids."

After a rough day with the kids, I told Brad that "if this day keeps going like this, someone's going to get in trouble."  Having been listening, James walked by and casually said, "And that would be me."  At least he knew.
