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Happy 5th birthday to my sunshine boy!  I can't believe how quickly 5 years has flown by.  It seems like just yesterday we were staring at you in amazement for the first time.  When you arrived you healed years of hurt, sadness, and loss.  Just seeing your precious face and it all was forgotten. 
In five years we've been daily amazed by your wit, intelligence, humor, love, kindness and beauty.  I know I shouldn't say beauty because you are a boy...but you are beautiful.  You are so quick to help.  You run fast to do things that you know will please us and help us.  You obey "joyfully, quickly, and thoroughly".  You are an absolute delight.  Your understanding of things is far beyond your years.  You grasp things that truly shock me.  You're so thoughtful and aware.  And your vocabulary...that's another thing entirely.  I don't know how you seem to have the words of a 30 year old.

You came and got in bed with me the other morning and when I woke up and turned and looked at you, you smiled and said, "You are beautiful.  You are the sunshine in my heart."  You melt me with your precious words.  What kind of child says things like that!  You are amazing, my love.
You love to work hard and be busy.  The way your sweet long bony shaky fingers go to work on your "assignments" (as you call them) wrenches my heart.   I can't get enough of you.  You wake up like the sunshine...full of joy and singing.  You have since you were a baby.  You are joyful and happy to greet each day.  You don't know a stranger.  You will reach that sweet little hand out to shake peoples hands in the stores and are glad to introduce yourself and your brother and sister.  You charm all you meet.
The Lord has great great things in store for you.  I cannot wait to see!  You are one of this life's greatest gifts.  It is an absolute joy and blessing to be your mommy, my sunshine.  I love you so much!  Happy happy birthday!
