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My Sweet Babes

We are getting ready to leave on our first ever family vacation.  Our last real vacation was our honeymoon.  We've had a few fun trips here and there...but not a real, full-fledged vacation.  Partly because I was pregnant for 4 years, had a child diagnosed with cancer, another one with Sandifers, and had a hysterectomy, among other things.  Now that we have all of that behind us, we are are all set!  We are all very excited to head to the beach. James has literally been talking about going to the beach for over a year.  Brad and I have been painfully, heart-breakingly aware lately of how quickly the kids are growing up and changing. So for 12 days, we are going to do nothing but be together as a family and focus on these 3 amazing little loves of our lives.

Today I was standing at the sink doing dishes and James asked me if Jesus is perfect.  I told him that Jesus is the only One that is perfect.  He said, "Well, Jesus and Nana."
Yesterday, while I was cooking, James asked me a question about Papa.  It was a question that required more than just a simple response.  He is so perceptive and tenderhearted.  I said, "James, did you know that Papa has cancer?"  He said, "Like Judie Bug?" "Yes", I said.  Then without hesitation, he grabbed my hand, and said, "We need to pray."  He then prayed the purest, most heart-felt, sincere, love-filled prayer for his Papa's health.  I am daily amazed at the genuine goodness that pours out of this child's heart.  He is a joy.

Katy Jane is broadening her horizons in the food department lately.  She had her first donut and was a fan.  Big time.
She also loves peas and carrots.
She does not love cheesy broccoli.  I know because she projectile vomited it across the kitchen tonight.  James exclaimed, "Whoa! Momma!  What are you going to do about that?"  You would never guess that the dainty little lady was capable of such things.
She also loves taking rides in her brothers dump trucks.

My precious little Jude has come so far lately with his speech.  We are so proud of him.  He still screams a lot but we are working on that.  The more he has the vocabulary and ability to express what he needs, the less he will scream.  The thing that I am so fascinated to be discovering about him is how contemplative and studious he is at just 2 years old.  He would much rather sit and read a book than color.  When he's outside, he tends to study the plants and bugs instead of running around.  When he chooses a show to watch, it is always the more educational ones than the silly ones.  When Brad and James are having a water balloon fight in the back yard, he sits safely on the porch and observes.  I love my little nature-loving, brilliant, bookworm.
"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." Chuck Swindoll

"Children are not casual guests in our home.  They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built." Dr. James Dobson
