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Judie Bug's 1st Haircut

Yesterday Jude got his first haircut thanks to his Nana!  She cut his duck tail off.  It was getting a little long and rat-tail-ish circa 1980 in back and we were starting to feel embarrassed to take him out in public.  So we asked Nana to clip it and I tucked it safely away in his baby book.  Now that I had that big milestone out of the way I got the clippers out today and went to town and gave him a real haircut. 
He looks so much more blonde now that all the top stuff is gone.


Anonymous said…
This is when I wish I had been a blogger back when Lexie was little! You get to chronicle all these big milestones. I'm not even sure I have a picture of her first haircut! :o(

He looks very handsome, though! You did a really good job. Do you have experience cutting hair?