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Happy Thanksgiving!  We celebrated by Jamesie spewing vomit ALL over the kitchen.  For reals...I even found some under the stove.  When I went in to get the boys up this morning James was just laying on the floor by his bed and didn't respond to me when I said his name several times.  He finally got up and was just pitiful.  We knew something was wrong but didn't know what.  I took his temperature and he didn't have any but he clearly didn't feel well.  We kept asking him what was wrong and he couldn't say.  I asked him what hurt and he said his feet hurt.  Weird.  He ate breakfast, took a bath, and Brad got him dressed and took him downstairs while I jumped into the shower to get ready to go to Mom's.  A little bit later Brad and James show up at the bathroom door and James was stripped down to his diaper and covered in vomit.  Brad (SAINT that he is) cleaned up the bomb site.  I re-washed James.  He was crying and scared and felt horrible.  We gave him some medicine and have just kept him as comfortable as possible.  We are praying that he gets well quickly and that no one else...especially Jude...gets this.

We were sad to not get to be with family today but my sweet Mom and sister brought us over some Thanksgiving lunch.  It was delicious! 

This was pretty much what James' day looked like. Here he was snapping along to one of the songs on Curious George.
We cannot figure out what is going on with him though.  He has not run any fever all day.  He complains of feeling bad, had the puke, is drinking well, not eating, very lethargic, his breath smells like acetone (always does when he is sick), and is very cranky and irritable.  The no fever is what is throwing me off.  Any ideas on what this might be?  Could he have a stomach bug with no fever?  Food poisoning? 


Steph said…
I dont run fevers when I have the stomach bug so maybe that is it... and I usually only puke when I have that or am pregnant and am pretty confident that is more your thing than poor James. Will say prayers he starts to feel better and whatever it is spares Jude!
Anonymous said…
Bless....THANKFUL for a cool dad to help clean it up, eh?

My kids don't always run a fever either when they get the pukies. It does sound like a virus or stomach bug. Regardless if he eats, DEF push those liquids.

Hope everyone is well.
apryl said…
Wish I had read this earlier...There is a really bad tummy bug going around with vomiting with OR without fever. It's very Contagious (sorry) but typically is short lived. Hope Jude doesn't get it :~(