James' Pre-K graduation was Wednesday and it was adorable! I was so proud of my Jamesie. FBC goes all out for their graduation complete with a ceremony, slide show, and reception following. James and I took the same picture we took the first day of school. I can't believe how much he's grown. He looks so much older to me. Outside his classroom...first day of school and last day of school. We are so proud of our big 5 year old! James was the first one to walk in with his little partner. So cute! Heaven help me and pass the tissues! Saying the pledge. Singing some of the most adorable songs you've ever heard. Robby Barrett our minister of education and James' teacher Ms. Sherri. The reception was just lovely. The teachers made little photo albums of all of the activities throughout the year as well as journals the children had kept and hand print art they made all year long....