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I love the stage of life we are in right now.  I love homeschooling, I love our church, our family, our friends.  Blessings abound.  And it is indeed a very busy time in life.  The kids and I went out to visit with my wonderful friend, Lindsay and she told me about how they had cut almost everything "extracurricular" out of their schedule and have chosen to have a decidedly simpler, quieter life.  This friend has always been the epitome of peace in my eyes so I was excited to hear about some of the decisions she has made.  I had been feeling the pressure of over-committing and having no down time right before our visit so it came at a good time for me to really take the message of simplfying to heart.  The main things I took from our conversation were to not say yes to everything...even the good things, make the home a peaceful place, keep Sunday as a day of rest, and to put my family first.  If they are feeling the stress of my saying yes to everything, that's not fair to them.  The next week I intentionally planned nothing extra.  I kept our days for ourselves and focused on school and our time together.  Of course it was noticeably more peaceful and less stressful.  I wasn't as short with the children, the kids did better with school because I wasn't trying to rush them onto the next thing, our time with Brad was relaxed and fun, and I was a much happier Mama.  Lesson learned.
Lindsay is one of the most hospitable people I've ever known.  We love going out to her house because it is a place of such peace and comfort.  She makes everything seem effortless and inviting.  I come home with a new recipe or two every time from some delicious meal she has made for us.  Every time we get back from her house I tell Brad I'm putting our house on the market and we are moving to the country.  Some day.
Since this is our first year of homeschooling I've had to make several adjustments along the way.  This is hard for me because I like to have a plan and stick to it.  We've changed so much from where we started but it has all been so good.  I love the changes we have made and the help and advice I've received from my veteran homeschool mamas and teachers.  I love watching these babies learn and grow.  It is a joy to get to go through this process with them.
I especially love the flexibility that this lifestyle gives us mainly so we are able to accomodate Brad's schedule.  If we didn't homeschool, they would see very little of their Daddy. 
Katy Jane is my little domestic diva.  She loves all things girly and homey.  She loves her babies, her housework, and her dresses, her singing, her lipstick and her nail polish.  She is super bossy and super opinionated.  The girl knows what she wants and when she wants it...which is yesterday.  She is stubborn but oh so precious and adorable.  She honestly has all of us wrapped around her little finger.  The other day she looked so sweetly at Brad and said, "Daddy, can you marry me?"   I melted.
She wants an "Elsa braid" so badly she just can't stand it.  But bless her heart...her hair is so fine it's impossible.  Her sweet Daddy is determined to get that hair into a braid though.  He watched an instructional youtube video for help.
Getting her little nails and piggies painted.
Singing her sweet little heart out.
Helping Mommy with the dishes.

The "tiny carts" at the grocery store are my kids favorite thing ever.  It has to be the right time for me to agree to them though.  If the store is crowded, if it's old people day at the store, or if I have to do big's a no.  But....on the rare day that I've had enough sleep and enough coffee and feel like my xanax will hold out long enough, I will say yes.  This was one of those days.  I can't say that the store will ever be the same, but the kids sure had fun.  My Achilles tendon was most assuredly destroyed during this paticular outing because they each ran into the back of me about 2900 times.  And there is really a limit to how many threats I can issue out in public before people start looking at me all judgy.
These two are thick as thieves.  I love their bond.
This horrible sickness that has been going around finally hit our two waves.  I don't really even have the words to explain to you how much James detests having the nose swab done.  Jude and Katy Jane handle it like pros.  Not my Jamesie.  It is absolutely ridiculous.  He is completely unreasonable about it and no amount of bribes or threats work. I need a better plan.
Let me tell you a little something about what happened here.  I made the mistake of telling Katy Jane she was cute.  She doesn't want to be cute.  She hates cute.  She loudly yelled, "I'M! NOT! CUUUUUTE!" as she threw a hysterical, dramatic, tyranical fit all over the floor at the doctor's office.  And I died.  Because ummm...germs.  I was afraid I was going to have to throw her away after this...or at the very least shave her head and burn the clothes.  I don't do germs.  But somehow we survived and I know now not to call her cute unless we are in a sterile environment and I'm prepared for some drama.
But c'mon.  She's cute.  I can't help it.
I surely do hate having sick babies though.  It breaks my heart when they don't feel well.
But we had a snow storm blow through that lifted the kids spirits because they love playing in the snow.  Do you want to know how many times I had to hear the kids belt out "Do you want to build a snowman?" at the top of their lungs?  It was a lot.  I'm over that song.
I am completely inept at making a snowman.  I've tried.  I can't do it.  Snowmen, French braids, and chocolate chip cookies.  Just can't do it.  It's not part of my skill set.  Thank heavens for a fun Daddy.
James has the same problem I do of laughing at inappropriate times.  I can't help it.  I try.  Apparently he can't help it either.  When he is in trouble, he laughs.  When I'm trying to have a serious talk with him, he laughs.  Well the other day I had put my hair up in a stupid bun right on top of my head.  I just wanted it out of my face.  Katy Jane took one look at me, stopped dead in her tracks, pointed at my hair and said, "Mama, you crazy!"  Later, none of the children were obeying and cleaning up so I called them all over for a "discussion".  This is what they did.
James said, "Mom, I know we are in trouble, but your hair!"  When I went to tuck Jude in later he reached up and was rubbing the bun and said, "Wait Mama, I want to feel your ball again."  Oy.  These kids. They bring endless joy, love and laughter.
