Brad hurt his back on Wednesday...if we were 90 years old we would say he "threw it out" but since we are in our 30's...let's just say he "hurt it". Real bad. So what that means to me is that my weekend just got shot...not that it's all about me or anything. But the weekends are when he takes all the night time feedings and diapers and I get to get a full nights sleep. So while he is the lucky lucky recipient of a constant muscle relaxer induced warm fuzzy state of euphoria (not that I am ridiculously jealous or anything...whatev), I am stuck with sleep deprivation with no end in sight. I. Am. Not. Bitter.
Oh...and the fat juicy red cherry on top of this little fairy tale is that James is sick too. You know how fun sick kids are? Sick kids and sick husbands. Love it. James woke up from his nap cranky and wanting Nana. So I gave him some cookies. Because good Mom's give sick kids cookies. But thankfully Nana stopped by anyways. And he offered me back my stupid ole cookies.
And then gave me the pitiful sick look that tells me that he loves Nana more than he loves me and she probably would have made him homemade cookies to ease his pain and not just opened the box of Keebler Jingles to make him stop crying. I suck.
*As I was finishing typing this riveting post...Brad interjected that he would take the Thursday through Sunday feedings and diapers of next week. He's so nice.
I'm stealing his muscle relaxers.
Oh...and the fat juicy red cherry on top of this little fairy tale is that James is sick too. You know how fun sick kids are? Sick kids and sick husbands. Love it. James woke up from his nap cranky and wanting Nana. So I gave him some cookies. Because good Mom's give sick kids cookies. But thankfully Nana stopped by anyways. And he offered me back my stupid ole cookies.
I'm stealing his muscle relaxers.